Growing your Business with Qogita

Growing your Business with Qogita

Growing your Business with Qogita

At Qogita, we want to help you grow your business by unlocking a new customer base, reducing labor costs and increasing your business longevity.

There are several actions you can take to increase the amount of orders you receive on our platform and grow your business further.

Inventory Pricing

The prices you list on your inventory are key to growing your business at Qogita. The more competitive your prices are, the more attractive they are for our buyers.

You can apply a discount to your stock via the Seller Portal. We apply this discount on our end, so it doesn’t interfere with your main inventory feed.

You can get insight into the competitiveness of your prices in the seller portal. We will highlight uncompetitive offers in the inventory section. Any offer that has a higher price than our listing price is uncompetitive. We help you set a better price by showing you the cheapest seller price for these uncompetitive offers.

You are more than welcome to try a discount out and monitor over 3 months to see the results. We encourage you to experiment with a discount of at least 5%.

We are happy to share a customized analysis and recommendation on your pricing adjustments if you reach out.


Fulfilling your Orders on Time

Every time we send you an order, you will have 3 working days to complete the order, otherwise it will automatically expire and be allocated to one of our other Sellers.

You can win more orders if you fulfil quicker than 3 working days. Our best Sellers fulfil each order between 1 and 2 working days.

Great Communication

This one is simple; if you communicate quickly and efficiently with our team, you will be more likely to win more orders!


As you’ve seen in the Managing your inventory section of this guide, sending your inventory to Qogita frequently and consistently will help you win more orders on the platform and grow your business.

Following the below guidance should help you stay on track

  • If you are emailing us your stock:
    • Always send your stock from the same email address. Let our team know if you need to change this email address at any point
    • Always send your stock in a consistent format. If you are using a spreadsheet, we ask you to keep your column headers the same every time you send us the file
    • Send Qogita your inventory daily. If we do not see updated stock files on our system, we will need to pause your account until we receive a new one
  • If you have a live URL inventory feed:
    • Always keep the URL updated and accessible. If you change the link or need to add credentials, please reach out so we can ensure we’re still reading your file correctly

We’re open to conversations about integrating with your inventory systems, so feel free to reach out to our team for a friendly conversation.

You should give us access to your complete in-stock selection.